Post feedback session 6/11

After the feedback with Pebbles we decided to go for another media platform; Mozilla Hubs. To create different rooms that each represent femininity in different ways and lets the visitor go through an explorative journey of femininity.

Room 1 - Opening Room

  • Introduces the visitor to the "Unlimiting Femininity Exibition"

  • Ask the question "What does femininity look like to you?"

Room 2 - Nature Room

  • A 360 room that takes you into nature

  • Show that femininity is a part of nature & how femininity and nature are connected

  • Just like nature femininity can create life

Room 3 - Black & White Room

  • A very structured colorless room that shows how the world would look like without femininity

  • A window that shows the "Natute Room", to see the contrast of the colorful well balanced and the onesided colorless.

Room 4 - Stereotype Room

  • A room that shows how the situation is today; what things are today seen as feminine?

Room 5 - Expression Room

  • This room breaks free from the stereotypes.

  • Pictures that sympolizes feminine characteristics & challenges belives about femininity

  • Interviews from all kinds of people talking what femininity means to them in their life

  • Dance video that shows the emphezises what the interviews are saying & shows freedom in expressing yourself however you want.

Room 6 - Ending Room

  • Here we give the visitor an opportonity to reflect on the exibition and how they can se femininity in themselves.

Last updated

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