Feedback session with Pebbles 5/11

The narrative:

  • explore "if not this, then what?"

  • what is our interpretation of what it represents for ourselves // how do we visualize the narrative from different perspectives - the macho man, in nature, non-binary genderx, etc..

  • inviting audience into a world of both our expression and interpretation

  • POWER: made-up scenarios/world, what would it be like for others that don't understand it to our level.. what is not right about how this world is designed? find the nuances to explore and accentuate/amplify

  • Exploring or decontstruct the constructed narrative of Femininity. We can all explore. More interesting to see your take on what it actually means to you and how could it be explored in another way. Macho man, or what does it mean for trees to be feminine. Invinting the audiance into a world that is also your interpretation of this.

  • In terms of power; interesting making up made up scenarios, how would it be if these macho men explore femininity. Why is it that the world is designed in a way that is more macho and we don't think about it. If not this then what?

The experience:

  • film can be one part of the content / manifesto / interviews / abstract collage

  • OR journalistic approach; doesn't need to be ONE IDEA

  • MP4 is perhaps too limiting when just as one film

  • design our own fiction: does not have to rooted in reality; from the perspective of or conversation with a nature - have some absurdity/comedy within a serious chat/contact

  • why can't activism be entertaining as well - poking fun at ourselves / more entertaining to watch

  • different ways to explore a very meaningful message

  • make a mini Podcast series on Soundcloud for interviews

  • TV channel - FMNTY for commercials, news, program, etc.

  • doesn't need to be one film that we all work on; could split us up to be more adventurous with a few formats together - connect/link to contain a room/street fictional - the space tells the story we want to tell as much as the constructed visual conception of what femininity is real

  • challenge what has been misrepresented

  • interviews, nature, film collage, virtual space, be a host....

  • how to work effectively in an alternative manner; working in sub groups

  • Make it abstract. Or maybe much more journalistic approach. Maybe it's more of an experience; create this narrative with a tree. Or some kind of comedy with a very serious subject.

  • Don't be in the comfort zone of just video, there is so much more you could do.

SUMMARY : explore the power of how this narrative could be narrative

  • if it's not like this, then what

how could we express this narrative that is more than just film

  • stretch ourselves and our abilities

exchange, share + co-inspire ideas in different groups

  • team 8 might have a similar concept of working with gender/ or some form of complimenting message for enhancement

Last updated

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